Chapter I
Avez vous fait des etudes?
[1] Have you done any studies?
[1] Have you done any studies?
Ah, oui, ca me fait Plaisir, toujour, toujour. Toujour, d’entendre…oui…vous savez…on etait tellement habitue…et apres
[2] Ah, yes, it is a pleasure for me, always, always. Still, to hear…yes…you know…I was so accustomed…and after
[2] Ah, yes, it is a pleasure for me, always, always. Still, to hear…yes…you know…I was so accustomed…and after
Chapter III
elle avait quinze ans lorsque je l’ai connue et, si j’ose le dire, ce sont ses yeux verts qui ont fait ma perdition
[3] She was fifteen years old when I met her and, if I may say so, her green eyes have made my perdition
[3] She was fifteen years old when I met her and, if I may say so, her green eyes have made my perdition
Ma jeune poupee
[4] My young doll
[4] My young doll
ma jeune poupee aux yeux verts; je t’ai comblee d’amour
[5] My young doll with green eyes; I have filled you with love
[5] My young doll with green eyes; I have filled you with love
J’ai meme supporte ta haine des chats, moi qu’aimais tellement les jolies betes
[6] I even bear your hatred of cats, I loved so much the pretty beasts
[6] I even bear your hatred of cats, I loved so much the pretty beasts
tu faisas ca d’un facon si innocent, par pur enfantillage
[7] You did it in such an innocent way, out of pure childishness
[7] You did it in such an innocent way, out of pure childishness
parce que tu m’avais dit que torturer les chats etait ta maniere a toi de rendre notre amour favorable, par un sacrifice symbolique
[8] Because you told me that torturing cats was your way of making our love favourable, by a symbolic sacrifice
[8] Because you told me that torturing cats was your way of making our love favourable, by a symbolic sacrifice
Tu sais si bien t’habiller, ma douce Consuelo, toujours drapee dans des velours verts, verts comme tes yeux. Je pense que tu seras toujours belle, meme dans cent ans
[9] You know how to dress yourself, my sweet Consuelo, always draped in green velvet, green as your eyes. I think you will always be beautiful, even in a hundred years
[9] You know how to dress yourself, my sweet Consuelo, always draped in green velvet, green as your eyes. I think you will always be beautiful, even in a hundred years
Tu es si fiere de ta beaute; que ne ferais-tu pas pour rester toujours jeune?
[10] You are so proud of your beauty; what would you not do to stay young?
[10] You are so proud of your beauty; what would you not do to stay young?
Chapter V
Consuelo, le demon aussi etai un ange, avant . . .
[11] Consuelo, the demon also was an angel, before. . .
Fait pour notre dixieme anniversaire de mariage
[12] Made for our tenth anniversary of marriage